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הצטרפו למאבק


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אם אתם או קרוביכם תושבי ארה"ב ואתם רוצים להצטרף אלינו למאבק על דמותה של מדינת ישראל כיהודית ודמוקרטית – מעכשיו יש לכם דרך פשוטה להירתם ולתת כתף.

ניתן לתרום לפעילות של לוחמי כיפור 73' עם אישור רשות המיסים האמריקאית.

לחצו על הלינק והפיצו אותו בין חבריכם וקרוביכם בארה"ב >> Support Us

תודה גדולה מראש על ההתגייסות והסיוע!


 We, the veterans of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, are working tirelessly to promote the democratic foundations of the State of Israel, and to help instil a sense of security by supporting the return of those kidnapped and held hostage in inhumane conditions since October 7th.

We, the veterans of the 1973 War, who experienced harsh wartime conditions, understand and empathize with these inhumane conditions. We understand the need to work closely to influence and impact the
negotiations to bring back the hostages.


We, the veterans of the 1973 War are also using our unique skills, knowledge and experience to design unique solutions to help soldiers *and civilians* who have been injured and dismembered in the Gaza war.

When the war broke the skilled agriculture labour in the war-stricken danger zones fled and the farmers witnessed their produce rotten. Hence for the past 12 months we’ve been helping numerous farmers and doing all kinds of works to save the produce and maintain the fresh supply to the population. We, the veterans of the 1973 War are supporting families displaced from their homes as a result of the events of Oct 7, and the ensuing war, from the South and the North. We have been moving their belongings, i.e. furniture, pets, books, from their destroyed homes to temporary houses as well as providing social, humanitarian, and psychological support.

All the above mentioned and more activities are done voluntarily by the Yom Kippur War Veterans for which we need your support and request you to join us to help our brothers and sisters who are in severe need

We, the Yom Kippur war veterans, have yet again been called to arms. Called to help defend freedom in a still young and conflicted nation, to help preserve democracy. And we, in turn, call on you for support.


We invite you to assist in any way >>


Or you can donate directly to our bank account:


Bank Hpoalim B. M. – 12

Branch – 719

Account – 505933
