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At 9 months into the war and neglecttion, we arrived with the tank at Netanyahu’s villa in Caesarea
YKV is recognized as a tax deductible entity by the IRS, and separately by Israel

From 1973 Kippur war to 2023 massacre


50 years after the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Israel faces another attack from within. An imminent attack against our Democracy and way of life.
We, Yom Kippur Combatant Veterans (YKV), have without hesitation joined the front lines of the battle to save Democracy.
We at YKV stand firm at the front lines of the quest to conserve Israel’s free and democratic way of life as envisaged by the Declaration of Independence, in the face of unfit leadership.

On the morning of October 7th 2023, Israel awoke to a hideous massacre from the Gaza strip, by cruel unrestrained mobs. Brutal murders, rape, kidnapping mutilation of young and old non suspecting citizens.
Responding to the call, YKV, has temporarily abandoned its Democracy saving mission, and joined the voluntary civilian aid groups who had responded to a silent call in view of an unprepared civic establishment.
The time has come to resume the just fight for Democracy.

Taking responsibility

YKV established a voluntary organization, its main goal being the empowering Israel’s civil strength, and taking action against the government’s dangerous agenda via protests and demonstrations.

YKV built two full size styrofoam tanks after the police disallowed two real burnt 1973 tanks from which leaders, politicians poets actors speak, on a sand dune opposite Netanyahu’s house in Caesarea, on Kaplan street in Tel Aviv, in front of the Knesset in Jerusalem and more.

YKV are relentless, and physically brave, these 70 yo men and women are also physically fearless. We have been detained, beaten up, hospitalized but are not afraid.

YKV produces alternative celebrations to the now political celebrations. For example, Memorial Day rally with about 5,000 participants that walked 30 minutes in sand to get to Netanyahu’s villa.

To date YKV has raised 1.2M$. In addition to the physical activities YKV is active in social media which very costly. None of the YKV receive remuneration although several members spend hours and the founder and leader Col Res Eyal Yoffe has put his business on hold for over a year.

We invite you to join the YKV community and support us.


YKV is recognized as a tax deductible entity by the IRS, and separately by Israel.

אתה הראש אתה אשם

The campaign the has flooded the country – “You’re the Head, You’re to Blame”.

הפגנה שבועית בקיסריה

Weekly protest in Caesarea

מסע הטנק, המחאה

The Tank Journey, the protest

אימון כיתת עוננות

Aiding displaced families with transporting their belongings

כתת כוננות

Aiding with training alert squads


Aiding IDF soldiers with showers and clothing in field


Aiding farmers in Otef Aza with fruit-picking


Visiting the grieving families of the fallen soldiers

Aiding displaced families with transportation and housing

Aiding with work in chicken coops in the northern border settlements


Sending meals to reserve troops and citizens


Cheering up injured soldiers in hospitals

Why YKV have enlisted in this struggle

From our bitter experience, the key to saving Israel is an immediate termination of this neglectful, devastating government’s term.

Israel has been neglected by ministers, many of whom are not Zionists, who haven’t served in the military and have looted the country’s budget for their own needs. They have divided the society, harmed the civil rights, harmed the fighters, supported draft dodgers, and worst of all – they have knowingly neglected Israel’s security.

This failed leadership is not fit to fix their wrongdoings. Hence, we enlist to do so. All of us, connecting generations and sectors, will gather and elect a leadership that will win the people’s trust, and together, we will stride forward again, in the path envisioned by the Declaration of Independence, its values and instructions.


Fighters of 23′, join us!

YKV salute you!

Warriors of the IDF, you, the brave fighters, lovers of the land and people of Israel, you are this historic era’s hope.

This is your time. YKV appeal to you, join us, occupy a respected position in the lines formed by many generations of civil fighters struggling to keep Israel’s shape.

Join the struggleדגל

Our values

YKV firmly struggle to be able to keep being a free nation in our homeland, in the
State of Israel, according to the vision outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

מסע הטנק class=

For 10 months, YKV have struggled against a judicial coup attempt that came from within, undermined the visions of the Declaration of Independence and acted to dismantle the national institutions. With one voice, we enlisted to strengthen the national institutions and protect them from this assault, as we protected the country’s borders. When war started on October 7th 2023, YKV again stood shoulder to shoulder, this time to strengthen civilians, fighters, and state services that dysfunctioned when they were most needed.

Read the Declaration of independence

Our vision

The people of Israel – citizens of the State of Israel together with Jews all over the world – urgently need to renew internal trust, remove the faulty leadreship, and insist on establishing a new contract between the people and Israel’s leadership:

Long term vision

A leadership that develops and empowers the state, and deeply understands the necessity of all of its security elements.

Citizen-centered approach

A leadership that empowers the citizens of the state who contribute to developing and protecting the state, and treats them with respect and equality.

An advanced leadership

A leadership that will be dedicated to promoting the forming of a constitution and to fostering education, science, healthcare, agriculture and settlement, and receiving Aliyah.

Equality of duties

A leadership that will renounce from supporting draft dodgers and will work for equality in military, economic and political duties.


An empathetic leadership that loves the people and is able to connect between the diverse, versatile communities.

Personal example

A leadership that is sincere, moral, value-oriented, truth-telling and leads the people by personal example.

The stories of ’73 -> ’23 warriors

my record logo

Since defending the Golan heights in battles in the ’73 war, through our protest journey throughout the country, into aiding the displaced residents of Otef Aza and the warriors in Gaza – come and hear our story firsthand, voiced by the fighters. Using “My-Record” website and application, you have the opportunity to hear the voices of our journey, and to be part of some of the dramatic events in the history of Israel – back then and today. >>Visit the special page in the website. Scan the QR code to download the app.
